Face Alteration Detection App


This application automatically detects potential alterations in the face regions of your uploaded images and highlights suspicious areas with a red overlay and a yellow-green border. Please note that the accuracy and completeness of the detection are not guaranteed.
The detection results provided are for reference only, and there may be cases where alterations are not accurately detected or non-altered regions are mistakenly flagged. It is assumed that you either own the images you upload or have the necessary rights, and all responsibilities for the images lie solely with you. Please be sure to review the Terms of Service before using the application.

*This application is free to use.

How to Use

  • Upload an image file by dragging and dropping or selecting a file (only jpg, png, gif, bmp formats are allowed)
  • Agree to the Terms of Service and click the “Start Detection” button
  • Once processing is complete, the result image will be displayed
  • ※ Uploaded and processed images will be automatically deleted after 5 minutes.

Drag and drop your file here


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