Our site uses cookies to enhance usability and optimize the user experience. Some cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site and services, while others are used optionally for purposes such as ad delivery. You can choose to allow or reject all cookies, or manage the optional cookies individually. Your settings can be changed at any time. For further details, please refer to our Privacy Policy and CookiePolicy.
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At our site, cookies are used primarily to enhance the stability of the website and improve user convenience. In order to respect the privacy of our users, you have the option to allow or reject certain cookies. Clicking on each category heading will expand detailed explanations. Additionally, settings can be adjusted using simple on/off toggle buttons. Please note that disabling some cookies may limit site functionality or restrict the range of services available to you.
These cookies are indispensable for ensuring the basic functionality and security of the website. Disabling these cookies may cause some site features to function improperly. Typically, they are used to store essential settings, such as language preferences and cookie consent information.
Our site may use third-party advertising services, such as Google AdSense, to display ads. These cookies are used to deliver advertisements tailored to your interests and to prevent ads you have already seen from being repeatedly displayed.